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Rank the Living US Presidents by Intelligence

22nd Nov 2017
Ranked by 10
Views: 3.7K
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President Trump has always been very vocal about his intelligence. On multiple occasions he has stated that he is "like a smart person" and that he has "one of the greatest memories of all time"! But just where exactly does Donald Trump rank among the living US Presidents in terms of intelligence? Although IQ tests and educational backgrounds are important in figuring out the mental acuity and sharpness of the Commander in Chief, there is perhaps no better barometer of intelligence than their performance in stewarding the country through tough economic and geopolitical challenges. Since this is obviously subjective, there is only one way to find out what this order really is! Rank this list in terms of how intelligent you think the six living current and former US Presidents are. (Although your ranking is your own, each ranking updates the average which everyone gets to see!)

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Rank the Living US Presidents by Intelligence

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Donald Trump

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Donald John Trump is the 45th and current President of the United States, in office since January 20, 2017. Before entering politics, he was a famous businessman, real-estate mogul and reality television personality based in New York City. Education: The Wharton School (B.S. in Econ.) Performance in Office: Ever since announcing his candidacy, Trump's election campaign and his subsequent Presidency has not been short of drama. President Trump has openly courted controversy through his heated rhetoric, primarily on his Twitter account which he uses to reach his base of unwavering supporters. It is often hard to decide whether Trump's messaging is some sort of premeditated tactic to enrage his opponents into disarray and energize his base, or is actually the wild and incoherent ramblings of someone who is not fit for the highest office in the land. Despite being almost a year in office, Trump is yet to accomplish any major legislative victory. Only time will tell whether Trump will win against his opponents in the media and his doubters in Congress. With the Russia Investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller implicating several Trump associates and looming large over the Presidency, will Trump be able to walk-the-walk and deliver on his promise to make "Make America Great Again"?
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