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Who will win the Iron Throne on "Game of Thrones"?
Published on 14th Apr 2019
Even with the premier of Season 8 of HBO's Game of Thrones on April 14th 2019, after all of these years, it is still virtually impossible to guess which contender for the Throne will end up on top, if anyone. Of all the contenders, there are several plausible theories about who will be sitting on the Iron Throne when the series finally concludes. As Cersei Lannister famously remarked - "When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die." And die they did, breaking many fan's hearts and shocking viewers with gore, twists and turns. We do have some clues from the way Season 7 ended. A temporary truce was forged between the major houses to fight off the danger of the Night King and the White Walkers to the North. So will Jon Snow, the reluctant King in the North and the heir apparent of Rhaegar Targaryen, sit on the throne? Or will it be his newfound lover (and aunt) Daenerys, who has devoted every waking moment and the full might of her Dragons to that mission since the end of Season 1. Or will Cersei and her machinations prevail against all odds and the prophecy of the Valonqar? And since this is Game of Thrones, you can never count out a wildcard winner either. Gendry, the illegitimate son of Robert Baratheon, is certainly such a dark horse contender. And what of Bran Stark, who could possibly be the one and the same as the Night King himself? This list describes the various ways in which each of the still surviving characters might end up on the Iron Throne. But who do you think will finally sit on that veritable seat of power in Westeros, forged by swords and molded by Dragon-fire? Rank this list of possible contenders and let the world know by sharing your ranking. Don't forget to post your own theories and ideas in the comments below and subscribe for more GOT content.
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Best Movies of Quentin Tarantino
Published on 1st Mar 2018
Quentin Jerome Tarantino, known as "Quentin Tarantino", is an American film director, writer, and actor, was born in March 27, 1963. His career began in the late 1980s, when he wrote and directed 'My Best Friend's Birthday', the screenplay of which formed the basis for True Romance. In the early 1990s, he began his career as an independent filmmaker with the release of 'Reservoir Dogs' in 1992, which was funded by his sold script Natural Born Killers to Oliver Stone and coined the "Greatest Independent Film of All Time" by Empire. Its popularity was boosted by his second film, Pulp Fiction (1994), a black comedy crime film that was a major success both among critics and audiences. Judged the greatest film from 1983–2008 by Entertainment Weekly, many critics and scholars have named it one of the most significant works of modern cinema.In December 2015, Tarantino received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for his contributions to the film industry. His films are characterized by nonlinear story lines, satirical subject matter, an aestheticization of violence, extended scenes of dialogue, ensemble casts consisting of established and lesser-known performers, references to popular culture, soundtracks primarily containing songs and score pieces from the 1960s to the 1980s, and features of neo-noir film. He is widely considered one of the greatest filmmakers of his generation. Tarantino's films have garnered both critical and commercial success. He has received many industry awards, including two Academy Awards, two Golden Globe Awards, two BAFTA Awards and the Palme d'Or, and has been nominated for an Emmy and a Grammy. In 2005, he was included on the annual Time 100 list of the most influential people in the world. Filmmaker and historian Peter Bogdanovich has called him "the single most influential director of his generation". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here i have enclosed his best ever as director/writer. Which one is your favorite? Move it on top of the list. #tarantino #noirofakind #bestever #tarantinofreak
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